Dealing with Spoof Email

I am not sure if this message belongs here.

My web domain is being plagued by spoof emails from PCs globally. Emails are being sent with false users names, with my domain name.

This has resulted in my domain name being spam blacklisted. I cannot pursued anybody that we are not spamming and my domain host says they can do nothing.

Does anybody know any solution to this problem.

Thank you

I fear your Host provider may be correct. The problem lies in who reported the spam, many people have anti-spam and some of those can send abuse reports to the likes of spamcop or other spam black lists. Unfortunately these dumb anti-spam programs don’t do anything else than report the domain of the faked from email address.

There are also people who take particular pleasure in reporting spam and they are no brighter than the anti-spam tools they just report the from domain name. They are working under the belief they are doing there bit to stamp out spam when it clearly doesn’t make a blind bit of difference to the spammer. Unfortunately that doesn’t help you, but only explains the problem and why I believe the Host made the comment.

You could try to appeal to the spam black lists, but they are usually none to sympathetic.

How they managed to latch on to your domain name ant not someone else is the big question. Do you have a web site hosted on the domain or do you just use it for email ?

If you have a site hosted, do you have any Form Pages on it that use a form to mail program like FormMail ?
If so you need to nail down the use of that to your own domain and not allow others to use your send mail script to send spam.