When I run Windows defrag, it reports back that it couldn’t defrag …avast…debug.log, that it remains to have over 3,200 fragments. The file is too large to open in Word or Notepad at over 1 gig in size—What should I do? If I delete it, will the program regenerate another? I have all the logging levels size set to 0 KB which I understand to be “no limit”?
When I right click on the Avast Icon in my taskbar, then click on “about avast”, it shows an up to date VPS file (11/23/2006) , File ver. 0650-2, a gold KEY icon with a registration Key beginning w/ “W followed by 17 letters and numbers”…another gold key icon-“Type:Home”…another gold key icon-“Expiration never” and the last gold key icon-“updates expiration Wed. {a month} 2007”-----QUESTION…why when I click on the license key button it is empty and when I try and type the above registration key info in it tells me …“invalid License number”. QUESTION --is the software I’m running valid? Does it “never” expire? OR Does it expire on the above date?
I’m running the free home ver. on a dual Xeon 2.8 gig with 2 gigs ram with 2 drives, windows XP SP 2, IE Explore 6
I’m grateful for this free application and have recommended it to many because of its’ excellence
Thanks in advance for any comments and help
Basicaly the program itself does not expire. The key will expire on the -“updates expiration Wed. {a month} 2007”-----. " The key may even expire a little earlier, due to the 60 day free trial.
Questions for you. Why are you trying to re-enter the key number? Copy and paste is the best method to do this, just make sure their isn’t an extra space at the end.
Did you try to re-register? A new key will be issued to you.
Actually, I did copy and paste (but space was left at end).
I’ve had the program up and running since 2/24/2005.The reason I trying to reenter the key code was simply because I wasn’t certain the field should be blank or not –which it is–I wasn’t tryng to re register…I was curious if the program was maybe misbehaving (by not allowing windows to defrag the HUGE debug log and returning {in the error log} messages with error code 0000A474.)
I know I might be “picking” at somthing that is O.K., I’m just curious if I can delete the avast4\data[b]LOG[/b] file which is 1,981,962 KB and growing with over 3,200 fragments.
As for the log file, you should be able to delete it. Avast should create a new one. To test this, rename the file, avast should start logging to a new log file.
Change the Program Settings, Logging, so the slider is opposite the Notice, which I think is the default. That will stop this excessive logging, there is no need to have the slider on debug unless you are tracking a problem and then probably only if you have been asked to do so by someone on the forums who is likely to be able to understand it and help you with the problem.
If you have already successfully entered the registration key once there is no need to go back again, unless it is to register a new key. When you open the window everything is blank or a blue highlighted area in readiness for the new key. The key that is displayed in the about avast isn’t the complete key, only part of it so entering that will result in an invalid key error. The complete key is in the email sent to you, which you should save.
Why you would set the log file limit to 0 I have no idea, mine are still at the default setting I believe of 4096KB (or 4MB) I suggest you set it back. This may or may not clear out all but the newest 4MB of data.
If you aren’t actively debugging a problem I believe you could create a new blank log file, just open notepad don’t enter any text and save it as debug.log in a different folder. Then copy the new empty file to the folder with the old large one you should be asked to replace the other answer yes.
I know I might be "picking" at somthing that is O.K., I'm just curious if I can delete the avast4\data\LOG file which is 1,981,962 KB and growing with over 3,200 fragments.
That is a folder not a file and there are other files besides log files in that folder, so no you shouldn't delete it.
I really appreciate all of your responces.
I moved the HUGE debug.log file from the avast log folder to the desktop replacing it with a new and empty one named the same created with notepad using save as. I set the log file size (in settings>logging) limit to 4096 and moved the slider opposite Notice.
I will watch and learn. I realise that I will still be unable to defrag the file I moved to the desktop untill I delete it…I wonder why? I mean, defrag works on monster media files I create ( I’m an editor)–just one of those mysteries, I suppose.
I’ve had Avast! running on my machine for quiet some time now. It is only recently when this whole “will not defrag” issue came up that I made my post (and began to wonder how some of the programs elements I took for granted–worked), so, (and finally…I hope) now that I’m aware of these logs, am I to understand that (on the settings>logging page) whichever Logging level I put the slider opposite logs only that category? Or that category and higher? Or what? I’ve read the HELP issues, I swear, but am unclear on this.
Thanks again again and take care…
Personally I think the windows defrag is only worth considering if you have nothing else. There are better and much quicker products out there.
I’m using a program called contig.exe which does the defrag and Power Defragmenter a GUI interface by one of our forums members, RejZoR, try it you will be amazed. Power Defragmenter - RejZoRs - eXcessive-software.eu.tt Site
I’m using Windows defrag–it says it “could not defrag some files, see report” …report shows one file wasn’t able to be defragmented—avast>debug.log and that it has over 3,200 fragments and if I use it regularly, it may slow my machine down.
The file is 1.88 GBs and Word nor Notebook will even open the file because “it is too large”.
Where do you recommend “setting” the slider? I wasn’t aware there was a “default” place to put it untill David R. {wisely, I believe} suggested that Notice is the default (Info is at the bottom of the log viewer in Avast! on my machine, tho)—all I’ve learned is that I cannot even open the debug.log in the log viewer in Avast because it is not there. I can only find it using window’s explorer to go to the Avast! folder. I wouldn’t even have known it existed if Windows Defrag hadn’t returned the above message. Oh, I have been using Windows defrag once a week since 2004 on this machine and the “couldn’t defrag” message only appeared a week ago…so, I asssume this debug.log is growing like a bloody fungus for some reason?? (even if it is not in Avast’s log viewer and even tho I apparently had the slider set to Info. all this time.)
I think that about covers the subject. Sorry if I’m repeating some things–just want to cover all points,
Thanks for your time,
Still confused but program seems to be working as it is supposed to.
I asssume this debug.log is growing like a bloody fungus for some reason??
It will grow like a fungus as you say if you have the logging set to debug, it will record virtually everything.
The largest .log file in my Log folder is 118KB as I periodically open the avast Log Viewer, and open each category in turn Starting from Emergency and work down, at each one you can right click anywhere in the logged entries and you have the option to ‘Delete Current Log’ or click the delete icon, this will reduce the file size to zero.
I didn’t see what version of Wins babylonslim is using. I know with the older versions of Windows there were times defrag would not complete. At that time I would click on ctrl, alt, delete. My End task window would open. I would “end task” all enteries in this window with the exception of the “Explorer” entry. After doing this I would restart the Defrag process and it would usually complete. Wonder if this would work in this situation for babylonslim?
I’ll try that non-windows defrag program, appreciate it.
I’m running Xp Pro w/ sp 2.
Since I moved the HUGE debug.log from Avast’s dir. to the desktop, replacing it with an empty one…the windows defrag returned the same report about not being able to defrag it—and noted its’ new path to the desktop. I think Windows defrag can’t handle text or doc files over 32 MB. At least Word says it can’t.
I’m kinda glad this has happned, tho. It’s forcing me to learn new stuff and since I found this Forum, I’ve been pokin around and there’s a wealth of knowledge here.
Friendly too, now I just have to figure out why my machine is blocking this site’s spell checker (it appears for a sec., then I hear a beep and it disappears–I think I’ll be able to trial and error it, it’s either Spybot or a setting in IE Explorer.
Thanks everyone, Be Good.
It doesn’t matter where you move it, desktop (just another hdd location), the problem would exist. The whole idea of creating the empty file was to get rid of the huge one, but still at least leave the file (now empty) in the same folder.
Thanks David,
Moving it and creating a new one in its’ stead accomplished 2 things for me:
I wanted to see if the program would write to the new (empty) debug.log in the Avast! directory. (which it did tho my slider is set to Notice in settings)
I wanted to see if Windows defrag would return the same report (that it couldn’t defrag the log I moved to the desktop) which it did.
I deleted the one I moved to the desktop after both of the above were observed.
Still do not understand why Avast! is writing to the NEW debug.log since my slider is set adjacent to Notices??? I’ll just have to watch it grow and repeat the same procedure. I read the new one. It contains innoccuous (this forum’s spell check still won’t work) info like Date-Time-1164585598- SYSTEM- 836-then various messages like "fixing stsartup entries…thru Leaving aswServ::init.
I’m guessing that it might still be generating this report because of how I have the ALERTS process set in Administrative tools??? No matter tho. The important thing is that Avast! seems to be doing its’ thing as it should.
Thanks for your help, Take Care