Decompression Bomb (has blown)

I have downloaded a file from the web address below, which contains a “decompression bomb” when scanned with Avast!


Im assuming this file is responsible for all my issues listed below. Can someone check the file to verify.

File: USBAdvance v1.00
Virus Type: Decompression Bomb
Checker: Avast Antivirus
Location: file was downloaded onto my USB stick. Fortunately not downloaded on C: Drive

Result: I have never unzipped/executed the file. All I did was Anti-Virus scan it and found it suspicious, so made note not to ever unzip file, but didnt delete file which was a bad move in hind sight.
Somehow the file auto blew-up (decompressed itself after a week or so), because now I have all these randomly located unzipped files in around 13 random folders on my USB stick (these folders each contain over 100gb in unreadable files).

Action: I havent manually deleted files or anything as Im asking for advice.

  1. The first thing I should do is delete the Zip file containing the decompression bomb. If I do delete it manually (right button mouse click and select delete) will it be deleted permanently? Or hidden and still active?

  2. How do I insert an image into this post? The image is stored onto my HDD. The image is a screen capture of the results of the Virus Scan. Or see some of the results listed below.

Some of the Errors Avast resulted in where:
Error: The system cannot find the path specified (3)
Error: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect (123)
Error: File is offline - it is currently not available. (42006)

  1. All contents/files that where in my randomly affected folders is no longer in my folders but replaced by this decompression bomb virus unzipped files which Im suspecting activate phishing or other illegal activities?.

  2. If my professional recommendations turn out that I am to manually delete the file & all the folders it affected, is my USB stick and its remaining folders/files, safe? Or is it recommended to move unaffected files and reformat USB stick, to be safe?

  3. Lastly is it correct to assume this decompression bomb file I have is responsible for the other random folders becoming corrupted/infected by this file? And if I dont delete the file and the corrupted folders, it will continue spreading into other random folders on my USB stick?

Help me please.

  1. The name is the most dangerous here. avast is just telling you that there is a file tht will unpack to a laaaaarge file so therfor the scan engine will not scan it

  2. see belowe when posting: attachment and other options

avast is just reporting scan errors and the reason why. files that can not be scanned are just that, no more no less it does not mean they are infected
infected files are detected with a malware name

  1. first if you have not unzipped it, it has done nothing…and you dont know if it contain a virus yet…

upload suspicious file(s) to and test with 40+ malware scanners
when you have the result, copy the url in the address bar and post it here for us to see


Deobfuscation gives a write as March8, 2012 repeated one time, see: htxp://
