During my last Avast5 boot time scan, I received the following message :
Fichier C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxxxx\Mes documents\Téléchargements\xbmc-9.11.exe Erreur 42110 {Le fichier est une bombe de décompression (“Decompression Bomb”).}
Nombre de dossiers parcourus : 12639
Nombre de fichiers analysés : 697697
Nombre de fichiers infectés : 0
What is the error 42110 significance ? And why Avast is providing this message ? Actually, this file is a
application installation program that may produce an huge amount of data, but I do not understand why
Avast may be worry about it …
decompression bomb is just something that unpacks to an unusually big amount of data even though it’s rather small (i.e. has a high compression ratio, for example). It’s nothing to worry about, you are just informed that avast! will not try to unpack the archive (you may not even know that it’s an archive, but it seems like it is) because it may take VERY long to process…
avast will block the second link from downloading 42.zip see alert and know why.
Thanks polonus but i think it is not that danger since it is an exploit "hehe"pointed by security focus.
Thanks for the link
Thanks to asyn and superhacker for the answers. I tried to download the zip file, and
received effectively the blocking message from Avast. I will simply delete the file later on,
that I do not need any more, because the application program has been installed since
some time ago.
Make that second link non-clickable by putting htxp or wXw please for those that click it without activated shields.
Here you can read as to what it is and does: hxtp://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=259458