Tired of installing/reinstalling Avast and later finding your expected important email was deleted because Avast gets ‘suspicious’ and by default simply doesn’t Ask if you want it or not? Instead Avast just DELETES it, leaving you with only a lame ‘Warning’ message… and really no detail about the email except for a warning.
Perhaps, a poll will generate enough numbers that Avast might take notice and offer us all some SAFE alternative other than the summary execution of (deletion of) email that Avast finds ‘suspicious’ or ‘possibly unwanted’ or false positive or whatever.
I’ve emailed myself important information as an MHT webpage, from across town… all for naught since Avast Heuristics gave me a warning WITH NO RECOURSE to retrieve the email/attachments. Indeed there was not even the simple text message that was included with the attachments. Thanks Avast.
I’m just tired of having to go into the Security, Antivirus page to each Shield, Settings, Actions… then to set the defaults in -triplicate- for Virus, PUP, and Suspicious. For myself, for times when I might wipe/reinstall… and for the many other users for whom I provide help/recommendation/installation of an antivirus program. Tedious, TEDIOUS, TEDIOUS with Avast to keep it from exterminating anything suspicious.
There should be, at least, an ‘advanced’ installation option to set ONE set of defaults to apply to -all- shields and -all- states (virus, pup, suspicious)… then they could be later adjusted individually.
And it would help to have Actions settings indicators on the Summary page.
Previously it was a simple PDF from across the country that I lost… now MHT. How many other filetypes would disappear because Avast won’t ‘Ask’… if I didn’t rebuild the Actions tree?
Hard to recommend the program to others when -I- have to do the setup and tediously change Actions in a dozen or more locations.
Gripe, gripe. No, don’t defend the current defaults to me, please. It’s not helpful.