defense +


I already have AIS but like what Tech had said the best protection is Avast! free +Comodo firewall + Defense+. I already downloaded Avast Set up and Comodo firewall and saved it on my usb for for later installation. What about Defense+? where can i download it? is it included in the set up of comodo firewall? What is the perfect setting for Comodo firewall, Avast! free and Defense+ ( which i dont have right now) to have an ultimate proctection. Thanks! :slight_smile:

The Defense+ is build in too Comodo

thanks rnuis! have you tried the two combo? what is the perfect setting for this to meet maximum proctection?

I’ve tried this setting because Comodo is a great Firewall and Avast Free is the same as Avast pro but without the Sanbox but this is build into Comodo.

so generally it is the best comdo? and sandbox is also included in comdo firewall?

Yes Avast 5 Free with Comodo Firewall :smiley:

Thanks a lot brother! :wink: