On-demand, the user just need to turn on archive scanning.
On-access, avast! by default doesn't look for viruses in packed files. However, it can be enabled. Look at the deftasks.xml file in the avast! folder. All you need to do to enable scanning of archives on-access is to add the line:
after the line
however the added line disappeared after you reboot…anyone else experience the same thing…let’s solve this puzzle ;D
deftasks.xml is not a configuration storage. That is, the configuration is not read from it when being used.
Rather, it’s a tool that lets us enforce certain settings to your current config. I.e. it is read and parsed every time avast starts (on system boot, usually), and all settings from it are transfered to the actual config storage.
The reverting-to-the-original-version thing you’re seeing is a consequence of the fact that deftasks.xml is normal part of avast installation and therefore the avast auto-repair feature always replaces it to the original version. However, this is not a problem as the “import” procedure from the modified version is already done at that moment.
Well, if we set the attribute the default.xml file to ‘Read-only’ after changing it like stated above (addind lines), will it be imported still changed?
Will this be useful?
From your explanations it seems not but if it’s more secure ‘import’ the default config than do nothing (just read the ‘actual’ config), why can’t we configure default.xml to be and stay at a higher security level?