After I turn on my computer, it takes 5+ minutes for Avast to start. I have WIN98se. Does anyone have suggestions about how to get Avast to start immediately upon boot up?
What else is loading a boottime?
Do you have any other security programs installed ?
What is your firewall ?
What is the sensitivity setting of Standard Shield, Normal (default), High or Custome ?
Standard Shield is set at “normal.” My firewall is Sygate Personal Firewall. The Avast issue existed before I installed Sygate. No other security programs installed. Quick Time loads at startup, but the Avast problem began before I installed Quick Time.
Thanks for any help with this!
How long have you been using avast? Was the problem there always or just recently?
What was your previous av and how was it removed.
QuickTime certainly doesn’t need to load on boot, it is a media player (that wants to take over the world) and that only needs to run when you click on a QT media file. As Eddy said what else loads on start-up, you should be very restrictive on what you load on boot, only essential programs should be loaded, firewall, anti-virus, security programs, etc. Any other programs should be opened when required and when the task is completed, closed.
Win98 doesn’t handle system resources very well and the more that is loaded on boot will eat into those resources extending the overall boot duration. What processor and how much RAM do you have ?
I have a 1.3GB AMD processor and 512 mb RAM. I have been using Avast for more than 3 years. This situation with Avast has been going on for at least a year - and I’m just getting around to asking about a solution!
I formerly used Norton anti-virus but is is impossible to get their hooks out of the registry. Therefore, to get rid of all their crap (and the problems the lingering Norton stuff caused), I long ago formatted my hard drive. Nothing but Avast has been used since.
I know XP has certain advantages but I hate XP. However, I guess I’ll be dragged kicking and screaming to XP one of these days…or to learning Linux.
By the way, I can’t find any way to disable Quick Time startup at boot. Maybe I’ll just uninstall it. I installed it only a short time ago and don’t use it anyway.
Does it not appear in msconfig? or the start up folder?
Do you by any chance, set your firewall to “block all” when you turn your computer off?
In this case you may use “Quick time alternative”, or YES, you can disable Quick time on boot this way: you right-click in the QT icon in system tray and choose the option called settings or the like. A dialog box appears. There, in one of its tabs, there is an check box option saying something like “load quick time at boot or system tray”. Uncheck it and voilá, it does not show anymore.