Question: Does the delaying function of the of avast! loading after other system services affects or degrades any of Avast functions?
Other than when it starts no, the delay is measured in fractions of a second I would think as it only waits for windows system services.
I don’t know why you would want to do this (or ask unless it is your intention to try it) as you want avast to start as soon as possible ?
Since that option is in the troubleshooting section, that is its purpose to be used if you are experiencing specific problems and you haven’t mentioned anything.
We can say that you can delay avast loading without degrading the protection.
What about the boot scan and the rootkit scan done in the boot process?aren`t these delayed or skipped ?
The boot-time scan doesn’t happen in a conventional windows boot, so any resident scanning starts as soon as avast starts and as I said that delayed start is in fractions of a second, so anything would be minimal.
The rootkit scan doesn’t happen on boot, but 8 minutes ‘after’ boot as if this happens to early you might not have any rootkit active to detect.