Delete Account

Hi there.

I no longer use Avast Free, and in my efforts to reduce my online “footprint” I’d like to have this account closed. So moderators, if you could, please close this accou t.

Btw, there’s a great community here.

There is no close account as such, but it can be deleted if that is what you want ?

That however would remove your name from any topics that you created or contributed to and attributed to a guest account (with other such account deletions). For obvious reasons, interactions within the topics, the posts couldn’t be deleted.

If at any point you wanted to register on the forums again all post history/count would be lost.

Hi David,

So how do I do that? Do I ask a moderator?

I can organise that (delete the account) if that is what you want to do.

That would be great, thanks David. :slight_smile:

It will be done.

David, could you please also delete my account. Thank you.

Your posts would still remain and user name attributed to them, not as I previously thought (only Guest being displayed). So if you want to proceed, reply and it will be organised.

EDIT: Looks like someone has actioned your wish, so you won’t be able to reply.