"= Delete = Move to Chest = Heal = Rename = ETC ="


Item One
Enquiry on with using the AVAST Free Home antivirus program.
I did a search using “Google” and the results returned some comment that you had to purchase the “Professional Avast 4.8” program to enable you to fully do?

“When after you receive a virus, are you presented with a notification box to enable you to select = Delete = Move to Chest = Heal = Rename = ETC”

Next Item;
Is there a manual aor a users guide available?

Your comments would be appreciated

[From Australia]

Well google is wrong, I use the avast Home version all options are given upon detection.

The major difference in the Home/Pro is the home requires interactive response in the situation you describe. However, the Pro version allows for automated actions and an if that first options doesn’t work, do the second, and so on, e.g. Repair, if fails (not all files can be repaired), Move to Chest, if fails, move/rename, if fails, delete, etc.

The avast Help file is good for most people unfortunately it isn’t available outside of the program.

See Avast Home V Avast Pro differences http://www.avast.com/eng/av4_version_comp.html