I tried to fix it using msconfig, but it can do nothing.
So i do not have an automatic loading of Avast resident scan when windows Vista starts.
Can anyone tell me what exactly and exactly where (using regedit),
must i write to fix this problem?
Of course i could uninstall Avast and then download and install again, but it is an unelegant method.
I was thinking also in using Vista restore (never used it, i don´t know if it works)
Could you help?
Thank you.
I edited to correct some miswritings:
I had wroten register instead of registry, restaure instead of restore.
Sorry ; i am a foreigner, that is a non native english speaker…
HijackThis! should give you a restore option if you have it in its own folder.
Otherwise a repair install of avast should do the job.
If you go to Add/Remove programs and click the avast! entry, you should get a repair option. Running the setup.exe again should give you a similar option.
If you run into problem with Vista, you can easily restore your system to a previous state.
For example, if you install a device driver or other software that does not agree with the rest
of your system, you can return your computer to the state it was in before you installed it.
This is made possible using the System Restore tool.
If necessary, you can start the System Restore tool from the command prompt.
This is useful if you can not start your computer normally or in Safe Mode.
To start the utility using this method, restart your computer and press F8 during startup.
From the boot options, select Safe Mode with a command prompt.
You can then log on to your computer using an account with administrative privileges.
The last step is to launch the System Restore tool.
You can do this by typing the following command at the command prompt.
I have not tried yet the restore vista tool, i was expecting, if i used it, to get the registry to the previous state where the resident Avast scanner was loaded on Vista start.
Unhappily i have tried all what frank said, but
For some unknown reason (to me), hijackthis did not keep a restore option; i could not find any setup.exe in Avast programs folders; clicking on ashDisp.exe does indeed load the resident scanner (including its icon), but when closing Vista and opening again it doesn´t reload.
Checking with hijackthis, the register entry is still not repaired.
Sorry, i am a spaniard and the technical words i use are translated from spanish and might not always be the most adequated.
So, the problem remains and is not yet fixed, since i do not want to use Vista restore for what should be a simple problem.
Setup.exe is the file you used to install avast! For the Spanish version, it’ll be setupesp.exe. If you don’t have the latest version, simply download it:
and Alwil Software as an alphanumeric value at the beginning of the registry key (to the left)
and all works again perfectly.No need to redownload.
Hope this is all correct, though.
I thought writing on registry would be harder, would require some binary word or whatever.If i was a hijackthis developer i would teach people (in a help file ) how to write (and unwrite) in Windows Registry
I edited (25/08) cause i forgot Windows between Microsoft and CurrentVersion for the registry location.
In fact all was not working perfectly: the resident scanner with its icon in the system tray was working but the antivirus scanner (on demand) was unable to work, but i have only discovered this a few minutes ago.
@ sopadeajo
The Tilde ~ key is the character that MS uses when it converts folder names greater that 8 characters long, so the folder name is shortened to the first six characters then ~ and then 1. This allows for there being more than one folder with the same name, e.g. ~2, etc.
The Tlide key is next to the Enter key there is also a Hash # character on the key so you need to press the Shift key and the ~/# key together to get the ~.
You could always have copied and pasted the value as you did in the post.
just to note that the key layout you describe is only for keyboards used in the UK & Ireland, something that I had to learn when I found myself supporting so folks in the UK. Keyboard layouts vary quite a bit in different regions … see:
There must be a ALT + number way to write the tilde character, cause it doesn´t show anywhere in spanish keyboards.There is probably another Wikipedia entry with the way to write characters with ALT + number, again i am ignorant of it.