If I delete a skin that I dont want from the skins folder, it comes back after reboot. Any way to stop that. A delete button in skins selection could be an idea too.
Is it one of the default 3 skins?
If so, there’s no other way to delete them other then using the avast Add/Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel.
could be, its teak zeppelin and shadow fist, are they listed in the add/remove list. not a problem was just cleaning some space up.
Teak, Shadow and Blue panels are default skins.
As VLK has stated, you can only remove them via the Control Panel/AddRemove applet.
Double click on Avast and you will see the options available.
Good luck,
If you uncheck the Skins box in the Add/Remove Programs applet, it will remove just these two extra skins. The Blue Panel will always stay there…