Deleting files from the virus chest

Hi guys!

If I delete a file from the virus chest, is it permanently deleted? Or is just gone for a short period of time? Will I still have the virus on my pc if I delete an infected file from the virus chest?

Thanks so much guys! I really appreciate your help as I am really worried.

Delete mean gone to virus heaven for ever

Clean, Quarantine, or Delete?

Using virus chest >>

Video >>

Thanks very much! I’m sorry I’ve got OCD😂 so I need to be sure. I am correct in saying you are saying it has gone? That’s what I assume it means, thanks very much. Sorry to be a pain😂

Will I still have the virus on my pc if I delete an infected file from the virus chest?
Being a little technical, any file you delete on a computer is still there ... and can be recovered if needed

So the virus is gone, without going into detail?! It cannot effect my computer? Thanks and sorry for the hassle

A file in chest (quarantine) can not harm your computer, it is in virus prison
A deleted file can not recover itselfe

So basically the file cannot come back on its own but a human could get it back manually?! Thanks

If he has the correct tools for it, and the file has not been overwritten multiple times

Thanks so much! Human can get back, file cannot! All good! Thanks