Deleting from Virus Chest

I realise this may sound like a stupid question but I’m highly unsure. I recently got hit by a trojan and malware. Avast caught it when I did a scan. I did the normal reboot for it to scan from boot up on but didn’t delete anything as I was unsure if it would cause any computer problems. I’m now noticing that it doesn’t seem to be in a location that would affect anything as it all seems contained in one spot (C drive App Data Roaming under AVG…a program I been got rid of). I gave the command to lock it Virus Chest. What I wish to know is, does deleting the files from the chest completely delete the files? Or does it just remove them from the Chest and they still exist? ^.^;; Answers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

What I wish to know is, does deleting the files from the chest completely delete the files?
yes.....but it is no rush to delete anything form the this is the virus prison and any virus in there can not do any harm i usually let it stay for 30days before i delete

anyway moving a file to chest give you the option to restore the file if it was a wrong detection…if you delete you have no option left :-\

Clean, Quarantine, or Delete?

in your case, you say it is detect in a old AVG folder…possible a signature leftover from AVG maybe ?

you should run AVG removal tool to clear out any leftover files that may conflict
you find it here

Before deletion from the chest, you should scan it within the chest to confirm it is still being detected.

I’ll just leave it all in the chest.
That remover looks very useful. Going to go do that now. Thanks.

I ran a scan within the chest. Not exactly sure what that was supposed to do. It just said scan Scan Complete when done. Nothing else.

Thank you both for responding. Much appreciated.

Well I don’t know exactly what scan you did as if it were still infected you would have got a confirmation (see image) ?

Essentially you open the avast chest, right click on the file and select scan. If you get the confirmation then you can proceed and delete the file from within the chest.

If you don’t get the confirmation image I attached, then the file is no longer considered infected.