deleting malware/virus

When Avast quarantines a malware or virus and you decide to delete it …does Avast delete it from the machine or just the entry?
Is it sent to the Recycle bin where I can shred it with Window Washer or does it get to float around in Microspace ? ???

No it doesn’t get sent to the recycle bin or avast would alert again when it arrived there, it is deleted.

Thank You for your very quick response :slight_smile:
Avast Rocks !!

No problem, glad I could help.

However, deletion isn’t really a good first option (you have none left), ‘first do no harm’ don’t delete, send virus to the chest (a protected area) and investigate.

There is no rush to delete anything from the chest, a protected area where it can do no harm. Anything that you send to the chest you should leave there for a few weeks. If after that time you have suffered no adverse effects from moving these to the chest, scan them again (inside the chest) and if they are still detected as viruses, delete them.

Welcome to the forums.

DavidR, how do you scan something in the chest? I have tried to right click and left click and nothing comes up as far as a scan goes with something in the chest.

Right click should show you the option…
What do you get…??

You have to be inside the chest (opened it) and right click on the file you want to scan and select Scan from the list.

I get nothing…absolutely nothing.

Have you actually got anything in the chest ?

Even if the chest is empty you should get a list of options available, primarily that would only be ‘Add’ a file to the chest.

Yes, there is a PUP in the chest now. I am going to try a “repair” to see if that helps.

Guess what? I was going at from the wrong direction. It helps to do things the right way. I finally noticed to do that function to go by way of “Maintenance” not by way of “Scan Logs”. See my signature.

Thanks DavidR.

You’re welcome, that is why I said you have to be inside the chest and posted the image.