I have read plenty of logs on this issue, but after trying all of the fixes, I still can’t deploy the client version of Avast to a workgrouped XP machine, in a MS SBS 2003 environment. I imported the users OK, everything seems fine, except for deploying.
The log is below, I’d like to get this working before I buy.
I am not sure I understand why though, the user I created is a member of the Domain Admins. I ran the Object Security Settings from aVast, and it says full control permission was granted.
Am I missing a setting for this user on Server 2003 SB?
Is this a domain account (i.e. is PATENT-LAW domain name)? If so, grant the ‘Access this computer from the network’ right to it (e.g. in Administrative Tools->Domain Security Policy)
No dice getting it to work, although this is the problem. By default, the server Administrator should have this right (to remotely connect). If I do a simple \clientname c$ I get a logon failure.
I realize this is outside the realm of this forum, but any idea why Administrator does not have all of his rights on this client?
is the Windows policy ‘Access this computer from the network’ granted to the apropriate accounts (or groups)? Please note that for domain computers, there’re actually 2 places this can be defined - on the domain controller (Domain Security Policy), and on the client machine itself (Local Security Policy).
also a trivial question - aren’t you using a firewall on the client machine? It might be blocking NetBIOS traffic…
It seems as though this particular PC is not getting the Group Policies from the domain for some reason. There are lots of posts on that, but this problem is evident in the System logs.