Demo license problem


I have installed the demo version of SBS with the server, management tools, etc…
After, I did a deployement to 2 workstation from ADNM.
I found out that my demo license is only good for 1 client as shown by AMS.

Is there a way to add more demo client licenses?



the demo gives you 300 clients and 1 server cover in the evaluation.


Thanks for the answer,

but why then the AMS Maintenance tool tell me that the count of my licenses is 1 DEMO license for each module including Avast! Network Client?

When I try to access my clients with ADNM Console, all my clients except the one installed on the server have the yellow key on them and the server can’t access them.


Can Avast pay some serious attention to this? There’s been a lot of complaints about licenses lately… :frowning: