I have just installed avast 4.6 Home edition,2 days ago. Every time when I start my computer ,it will bring me to My Document file. What should I do if I want it to show my Desktop Display?
When I tried to set Address “localhost” & port 12080 in LAN setting, I cannot surf.
I have a router,do I have to forward port to 12080.
I have opened my MS firewall already .
I’m using window XP SP2 Home edition
Do I still have to installed a spyware software again?
Sorry for asking so many questions.I have visited FAQ
but I still cannot solve my problems. ??? :-[
Every time when I start my computer ,it will bring me to My Document file. What should I do if I want it to show my Desktop Display?
Do you mean it shows a DOS style window that is in the Documents and Settings folder or something else? Is your desktop not displayed at all or is it in the background?
The more information you can give us the easier it may be to offer a suggestion.
Thanks DavidR ,it showed My Document Folder .When I closed “My Document " window & also “Edite Registry” message .My Desktop displayed page is there.
Edite Registry message is " Are you sure you want to add the information in C:\pav.reg to the the registry” Whether I click Yes or No, whenenever I start the computer,the message & "My document " Folder will appear first.Appreciate your help please.
You didn’t answer is it a dos style window (black box) or windows explorer or what?
Also - Is your desktop not displayed at all or is it in the background?
Edite Registry message is " Are you sure you want to add the information in C:\pav.reg to the the registry"
Look like you may have some remnants of Panda Anti-Virus on your system, the pav.reg file is a registry key and if you double click on it, it will install/add a new registry key (you don't want that.
Have your got or had Panda Anti Virus installed on your pc
I am still at a loss as I don’t understand the problem. Can you please break it down and provide more detailed information.
My Desktop displayed page is there doesn’t help, what do you mean by ‘desktop displayed page?’
Sorry DavidR for the confusion. :-[
My Document is Window explorer & my desktop is in the background.
My Desktop displayed page means Desktop.
Before I installed Avast 4.6 Home Edition,when I start my PC,I will see Desktop only.
After Avast installation, the screen will show My Document Folder & Edit Registry first,when I close them ,I can see my desktop.There is nothing wrong with,just that I prefer Desktop without having to close My Document & registry everytimes.
You are right!I had Panda Anti Virus,I had uninstalled it,but don’t why it is running.
From the windows Start button select Run and type msconfig, this will pop-up a window with a number of Tabs at the top, click on the Startup tab. See if you can find any reference to what might be causing the problem (possibly any PAV stuff) and untick it, click OK close open programs and reboot.
I would suggest that if the pav.reg file is still in the C:\ folder that you rename it (deletion can come later if required). to say pav-old.reg, that way if there is something trying to run c:\pav.reg it won’t find it.
Hopefully we can get this one out of the way and try to resolve the other issues you mentioned.
When I tried to set Address "localhost" & port 12080 in LAN setting, I cannot surf.
I have a router,do I have to forward port to 12080.
I have opened my MS firewall already .
Do I still have to installed a spyware software again?
XP and avast should be able to have the local proxy work together transparently, so you shouldn’t have to set this in your browser (which are you using?).
I don’t believe you have to do anything in your router setup.
Which spyware software are you talking about? - You would be advised to always have some anti-adware/spyware installed.
Bingo! I got rid of my problem. ;D
Thanks a million DavidR & a61, As for other issues.I will followed your advices DavidR . BTW I’m using Internet Explorer.
Now that you are in the clear take a little time to browse the Sticky Threads (at the top of each of the forum’s list of tipics), there is a wealth of information there to help you get the best out of avast.