Details Screen - How to obtain full information on malware location?

Recently I was alerted by Avast that it had blocked some malware at a very widely-accessed URL.
I want to know the full details so that I can communicate them to the site management.
But the details are not available on the “More Details” screen.
It just gives the first 30+ characters of the long url, and then an ellipsis (…)
When I copy the line, I discover that the ellipsis is “built in” - nothing further is in fact available.

Process: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox…
Infection: URL:Mal

In other words, it does not mean that “there is more to come, but it doesn’t fit in this space.”
It means “we are not going to give you anything more.”
I don’t quite understand how this benefits anybody except the authors of the malware.

(I’m running latest free version under Windows XP, cannot find the “about” screen, so can’t be more specific than that about the Avast version I am running. I run the paid version on my newer machines - will have to see if more information is provided there.)