Is there way I can set avast and the ADNM to detect viruses but not act on them?
I know the default behavior is to “move to virus chest, if failed delete”.
I don’t want it to do that because sometimes avast has a false positive. That occured on a system file once (svchost I believe) and hosed a dozen of our workstations for good.
I would like avast to detect the presence of a virus, so that computer shows up as red in ADNM.
I would then like a way to manually deal with the threat as best as I see fit. This is the part I don’t know how to do!
Any help would be appreciated.
I believe this is how you would do it.
Open ADNM console, go to Tasks > Client-Side Tasks > On-Access scanner. Right-Click “Default Resident Task” in the right side pane, the click properties.
Scroll down to “Standard Shield” and click “Virus”.
You can then modify how avast deals with a virus when found.
You can do the same thing for any “Virus” task under any provider that has it. The P2P shield, script scanner, etc.
That’s right, here we could check the help text for that option:
“Virus” Page
On this page, you can specify what actions will be taken if the task finds a virus. The default setting is choose action. You can define more actions than just one, using the operators “…and…” and “…if failed, then…”.
Operator “…and…”. All the selected actions will be taken, in given order (left to right).
Operator “…if failed, then…”. avast! will try to take the first action listed; in case of success, all the others are ignored. However, if the action failed, avast! will try to perform the next action(s).
Choose action. When a virus is found, the task is temporarily stopped and a window appears where you can choose the action to take. You can select the possible actions to be offered in this window by pressing the Interactive button.
Repair. avast! will try to repair the infected file. After this choice, the window describing the principle of repairing files is displayed. In this window, you can choose whether all the macros should be removed from Word 6 documents; when the virus is not identified exactly, all the macros from Word 6 documents are removed automatically. For Word97, Excel95 and Excel97 documents, all the macros will be removed by this choice. In the case of an executable file virus, avast! will try to remove it according to the information stored in Virus Recovery Database. Files with no records in Virus Recovery Database cannot be repaired! In the case of a boot virus, avast! will overwrite the diskette boot sector, thus eliminating the virus.
Move/Rename. Moves or renames infected file. You can specify the folder to move the file to.
Move to Chest. Infected file will be moved to the virus Chest.
Delete. Deletes infected file. You can select additional options of the deletion. The default setting is delete file(s) permanently, which means the file will be completely removed from your computer (hard disk, diskette, …) For this choice, you can further specify that the file will be deleted on the OS restart in case it is locked. It is a very useful setting, since it is impossible to immediately delete the file of a virus that is currently running. So, avast! will “remember” which file it is and delete it as soon as possible, which is at the next operating system start (i.e. before the virus is activated again). The option delete file(s) to recycle bin ensures that the file will not be physically removed, but moved to the recycle bin instead.
Stop. When the first virus body is found, the task is stopped; no action will be taken with the virus.
As we can see, the option you must use is: Stop
Best Regards!
Sergio Ariza.