Detection Signature

I do not understand what is happening.If it is a technical problem or fails on some server inside the lab. What it has to actually consider is that the detection seems to be removed in files that are submitted through the virus chest or sent by after a few time you check again and no threats detected.This has not only happened with lnk infected but also with executables and jar files such as than 6 meses months old,you look at the result in the total virus is detected, the engine versions up to version 8 of avast were because this occurrence is not seen,in addition to having to add the file again in quarantine and submit wait another day to see if detection is there again.

what detection was seen before it was moved to chest or submitted through
Do you have original file and the one in virus chest so we can compare what’s the difference?


Looks the this is the same file >

bkav is now not detecting it anymore while others do now ands previously didn’t.

Detection is identic as that sent in Vírus Total md5 36569a54cf00a7fefe297c8be3b8b764, fact of using an old motor version 5.The files are the same,difference is when submitted in the email is necessary compressed zip

VT detects it because it uses VPS5 which contains more older detections than nitro VPS.


Maybe when support for this version is finished then it will centralize current definitions, the engine will be replaced.It would take some years as how was discontinued version 4.8.
perception bad like protected. When will it be fixed ?