
Does Avast yet have detection for the newest variant of Sober out in-the-wild?

My webmail inbox is being flooded with these virused emails, and I want to be sure Avast would catch it if I got one in Outlook.

Here’s the information from McAfee:

I couldn’t find anything that looked like that on the VPS updates, that’s why I’m worried. :-\

Is it these ones “Win32:Sober-AB [Wrm], Win32:Sober-AB2 [Wrm],”?

I know there were two updates that happend today for Avast! maybe it was not there, but for sure tomorrow or the next day. Im not 100% sure its not in Avast Database.

Hi funny you mention the Win32:Sober-AB2 Wrm I received four emails today with this attached but Avast Home was fully update and detected and removed these into the virus chest . Have done complete scan and am clear . I think Avast saved the day !

Hmm…same here, I got those emails and Avast detected and quarantined them. So I guess we’re safe! ;D

;D Yes, that the secret between Avast! and other antivirus, you actually get protected. :smiley:

Just a question, why doesn’t Avast have a virus encyclopedia on their site like Symantec or McAfee does? If they had one of those, I would have been able to figure out what Win32:Sober-AB2 was. Or even something that would say what this virus is called by other people, so we would all be on the same page
(i.e. - “Win32:Sober-AB2=W32/Sober@MM!M681=W32.Sober.X@mm”) and we could use other virus databases to look up information on a virus that maybe we got hit with?

Right on!

Alan just wonders who Vlk thinks is “right on”.

Vlk says the compmanio36’s post just above his “right on” is Right on!

Ahhh … so … a peek into directing the decisions of the mighty inside avast :slight_smile:

I do too, it would also have the bonus of sending people to the avast web site rather than that of another AV for aliases. I use VGREP but you have to register (free) to use it and there is also a large delay for new viruses being added to their database.

I saw the post on VGREP, but I really don’t like having to register for anything, especially something like that; it should be free for all. We should be more interested in sharing our information on viruses to keep people protected and keep the rate of infection on the internet down than saying, “Well, it’s MY information, too bad.”

A lot of companies, especially ISPs, are now taking this approach of, “We’d rather have you protected and keep the network safe, and take the hit for the antivirus software, than have you running around as a zombie box full of trojans and worms.” I like that. It gets back to what the Internet used to be, and it shows some commitment to customer service on the part of these companies.

Oh, and everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving! ;D