Developer: Version 280 is out. READ!


we’ve recently released differential update to version 280 (0x118). It’s just phony release, to fix updater problems.

This should solve all problems with version 268 bug. Even if you’ve unsuccesfully, partially updated to 278, update manually to 280 should help you.


Self-extract files will be uploaded in an hour (I guess), they’re much longer.

Thanks for your patience,

I updated with no problems. Great work kubecj ;D

thanx kubecj ;D

Thanks kubecj, no troubles on updating to 278 and 280 with me… ;D

Manual VPS updating? Follow 8)

Please avast! team: show at the homepage what version the user is downloading (both at main page and download page)…

Does the VPS file update the engine build too? If so, why not this information (build) is shown at the update page? :cry:

Several questions:
I am a bit confused. The file record in my folder indicates version 1-280, but the providers each show verion 1-278 running. Has the upgrade occurred or not?
Secondly, and I think this has been covered somewhere else before but I can’t find it - does the AshServe.exe file also change when an upgrade is executed? I know the Setup.exe applic changes, but this is the first time ZA warned of a change in AshServe.
And lastly - an answer to an earlier issue with NT. If you disable “Services and Controller App” it stops Avast from being able to access the internet and hence perform auto-updating. This is a pity because it is not possible to narrowly define what else this programme then accesses.

If you are asking about the version of the DLLs (VERSIONINFO) - then it is possible that the number is older than the current build. During the update, only the real changes are downloaded and applied; if no real code has been changed (so the only change would be the version number), then the original file is kept.
If I understand it correctly, only very few files have changed during the 278–>280 update, so don’t worry about the DLLs version info.

ashServ.exe is an avast file like many others - so it is possible that it’s updated as well. If ashServ.exe has been changed in 280, that I don’t know unfortunatelly.


Forgive me, I’m also confused as to what is happening with versions, updater 268 → 278 → 280 etc etc.

Sorry to be a nuisance but could you clarify what I need to do/check to find out if I have a good installation.

I’ve don’t seem to have encountered any problems with auto updates (I had two in the space of 30 mins the other day!!!), but as I say, I’m totally confused now.

Thanks for any info.

The situation is:
If you are running 4.1.280, you’re ok.

The people with automatic updates had this update chain:

something → 268 (Thursday, 18th) → 268 (phony, Friday, 19th) → 278 → 280.

People without automatic updates and version 268 had:

something → 268 (Thursday, 18th) → 278 BUG BUG BUG BUG :-[

But now, they’re ok (at least we hope) with this chain:

something → 268 (Thursday, 18th) → 280 okay, okay, okay. ;D

even with
something → 268 (Thursday, 18th) → 278 BUG BUG BUG BUG → 280 okay, okay. ;D

The problem lies in two bugs as I explained here:;action=display;threadid=1410

I know this must sound boring, but precisely how do we determine which version we actually have installed? Normal procedure is to open a (any) programme and the opening screen states what version etc you have. In this case I am still getting version 4.1.278 dated 7 October showing. When I right click the resident icon and click open “about Avast” I get little screen which shows in folder format :
“Avast version 4.1 Home Edition” and a sub-folder with “build Oct2003 (4.1.280)”
Is this a definite statement that I have the latest build?

The thing you’re referring to is probably latest iNews statement. It was released for the 278 version only. 280 was released in a hurry to fix the mess which happened.

The version is displayed in about box of Avast (in simple/enhanced/residents). If you have 4.1.280, you’re okay.

If I download a the entire setup file now, what version will I get?
Does the homepage is updated (download page) or just the automatic updates? :cry:

Thanks Kubecj,

I’ll just pop down the all night drug store, buy a large packet of Asprin, come back home, sit down in a dark corner and and work that out :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Poor Walker :cry:
Be happy, at least you won´t be alone, you´ll have avast! :wink:

It’s a surprise ;D (Too late here).

Just download it, run it with /v and you’ll see. I can bet it would be 4.1.280.

Sorry for my stupid question but the user has the right to know what is being downloaded before the process begins… Don´t you think so? Can´t be posted at the homepage? ;D

I´m downloading right now and will see what I get. Thanks kubecj :wink:

Haven’t I mentioned in some thread that this was a ‘rescue’ update and the web will be updated tomorrow?

Sorry kubecj, let´s go to bed. Here is too late too.
Thanks for your hard work today…
Tomorrow will be a sunny day for all of us :smiley:

i use the version 280
but the i connect to the net the blue pannel tell me a new version is avable -278?!?!?

and reboot my system w98se

I have the same problem ??? ??? ???