Device shows up twice in

I recently purchased an Android tablet and installed Avast mobile security. It shows up in, Antivirus is colored in and Antitheft is grayed out. The IMEI/MEID is N/A (this is not a cell phone, just a tablet).

Then I installed Antitheft, using the same account, and it created a new entry in, Antivirus is grayed out and Antitheft is colored in (green), i.e. opposite of the first device in created for this tablet. The IMEI/MEID is filled in.

It appears that Mobile Security and Antitheft use different values for the IMEI/MEID. Is there a fix for this?

Delete the current devices from your account and add the device as a new one.

The “add new devices” just sends a link to reinstall from the Play Store.

I already gone through the uninstall/reinstall process and the results are the same.

same problem for me here

as you can see on attached pic, my old Nexus 4 appears once with antivirus + antitheft
and my new OPX appears once for antivirus and another once for antitheft

I tried to logout (avast) from device then login => same
also tried to remove device from avast account then lougout/login (avast) => same

in my case, IMEI field has the same value for both devices

… some help (just anoying, not a real big problem)?

Connected the device(s) to the account through the avast UI, not through the website.

I am having the same issue and cant figure it out to save my life. Anyone know how to fix it? My wifes phone shows Anti virus and anti theft once but mine has two listings like the pics above.

This only happened after I deleted my device for the battery not showing the right percentage and readding it back through the app my logging back in.

Hi Mudcon,

could you try to reinstall the antivirus app?


I did serveral times. Today my play store said there was an update to 5.0.13 so I deleted again both anti virus and anti theft and reinstalled both and logged back on and still the same…

I’m having a similar issue. My premium license expired 12/31/15. I went to play store and bought the year premium subscription, and have several devices. The site can connect and perform Web commands to all but one. That one added a new device in green and grayed out the original device on the website. The grayed out one says it’s no longer paired. The green one says the premium license is valid. I had opened the app on that phone, clicked go premium, and selected that I have an existing license, and completed that. It reported it would do a license refresh, and the go premium option disappeared. All seemed well. But when I go to the grayed out device I can’t perform any Web commands - the icons aren’t there. And when I go to the green one, it says the premium license is valid, but when I chose a Web command, it says unable to connect to your device. The commands tab reads command timed out consistently.

Hello again,

I am sorry for previous advice, I’ve got wrong information.
New android antivirus is using different type of identificator than the version before. And thats causing your issue - one device is displayed twice, one per each identificator.
We have a solution for this, but its not yet implemented. It should be fixed in some future release. So be patient please.

Best Regards,


great, thanks miraDi for telling us

I have downloaded the veta version and still shows the same device twice, one for the antivirus and one for the premium+antivirus. Also, my IP address shows to be different and the operating system in one case says Android and on the other lollypop. Is there any correction I should? Does this happen because I use my mobile device as a hotspot so my pc to locate it and connect to the internet through the line of my mobile? But, in that case Chrome should be shown as operating system, shouldn’t it?

Great news thank you, I have a phone doing the exact same thing and its more annoying than an actual priority issue. Any word on when the Rewards Points will start updating again? Seems they have been down for over a month now.

Forget about the reward points.
They are in Beta (as avast calls it) for several years now.
You can’t do anything with them, no rewards are given.

So free license for referring friends never worked? Thats really the part that I am interested in.

Same problem here. It’s been about 1.5 months, any updated status on when this will be fixed? Thanks.

Any update on a fix for this? I am still having this issue about 3 months later.

Same issue here… seems pretty sloppy to me. Makes me wonder how anti theft works if it cant even correctly distinguish what device I’m using

Sorry to wrote in Russian. I have a slightly similar problem in the personal account, the account shows the devices but nothing can be done, see the attachment.

Please post English here, else use the forum section for your language.