On the Devices in Danger page, which has 3 columns (Status, Device Name, and Last Seen), can you please add a 4th column for what the danger is (either Virus Definitions out of date or whatever)? This would allow easy sorting by “Danger” and creating a task to fix a whole group of devices at a time.
Hi Manley, thanks for your suggestion. Is this mainly because devices which are offline (by purpose) turns into “in danger” state, therefore, you can’t distinguish between them and devices which have some infection?
What might be cool too is some kind of acknowledgement system for devices that are offline on purpose.
We have a couple of PCs that are considered “general use” and might not be switched on for weeks at a time. These devices can’t be in danger if they are off ! Some kind of “ignore device for 30 days or until seen again” could be useful, otherwise the dashboard will continuously show the “in danger” summary for the site, which isn’t exactly accurate.