DHCPIPForcer.exe....where that come from?

Hi all
Glad to say things are going well on the computer(seem to be).
Somtimes I wonder at the probs people have…I have downloaded, installed,deleted and surfed many suspect files and sites,not a prob,havnt even had to use safe mode to remove anything untoward.
some things I have done—
*clear page file on shutdown (some say it takes longer to shutdown,i say its worth the wait)
*Set hompage as default,and lock toolbar access to IE.
*empty temp ect regularily.
*disable welcome screen
*have computer start up with numbers lock on (not sure what that does)
*remove default password value from registry.
*use long password over 28 characters to log in (numbers,characters and text…might help.)
*remove all ports from network connections properties except for TCPIP.
*I also only have my page file set to max-2mb min-2mb for everyday
use and surfing …depending on what you are doing,but i found the
recomended 756mb to be way to large for my use at 512mb of ram.
*disable netbios (who needs it??)
*turn telnet logging off(who needs it??)
*Disable all unecessary services—(find a list on a security site…maybe this one),adds internet and processing speed too.
set security settings as high as the will go without losing functionality on IE (start at the highest then customise to yuor needs)
*outlook express—its okay,for me i dont get a lot from it,just set the security and use the block sender when needed.

As soon as any type of problem arises i quit and schedule a boot scan restart with avast.
run reg vac ,reg seek,spybot ect…seek out any bugs
Spybot tea timer on all the time(alerting registry changes)
Kerio local alerts high
Avast local security set high.

None of this has affected my internet functionality,except Kerio blocks flash (which isnt a bad thing really,im tierd of seeing the jamster frog ;))…

Anyways thers more but my question is this… ::slight_smile:
I have just found an exe type application on my desktop…
It doesnt bother me as im sure i can remove it,but i am not quite sure where it came from…(probably some thing i downloaded :P)

you see i have the command prompt shortcut on my desktop…
though it has changed to the name of DHCPIPForcer.exe…when i open it it has my local machine details IP ect,in command prompt view and in the bottom of the window has a GUI/toolbar box that claims that if i enter my IP it will force a new IP address…

I wont use it as i dont need a new IP and definitely am not stupid enough to enter my IP and hit go in a command prompt…

has anyone seen or heard of this??
im wondering if it came with a valid download??


Hi Squidhead,

Could it not be that you were on a gamer forum site, like
“Death by Choice” or anything like that.? Rings a bell with ye?
Registered user of any other forum? No real danger there.
