I tried to find on the Internet post linked to the problem I had yesterday, Avast find the Trojan dhrhyje.bat on each and one of my partitions. After several failed attempts of removal with avast… no luck… the file('s) still there. I tryied to upen one of the partitions I have, opening My Computer, and I get the window for choosing the application to open with … to open my hdd with some application…lol (btw, msg for the guy who did this : dude … that was rooooood :)) )
I was thinking that …hm… free anti-virus… what do you know … I uninstall avast, I installed some other antivirus (we are not saying the name ) I run the full system scan … and nothing found… I must say that I was a bit disappointed, first, because I didn’t trust my good old avast anymore … even if I never had a problem in the last 4 - 5 years and second, that a software solution some 20-30 Euro the license …didn’t even discover it …
in the end, as I have a dual boot on this machine, I start Mandriva , and checked “visually” my Win XP hdd/partitions … found in the root a few files … and after the names, I think they are all from the same source… ( I’m not a guru in IT even if I work in IT and I can proudly declare that my system has no virus ) the only thing I did , was to change the extension to all of them from .exe/.bat/*.cmd to *.TXT … and for the moment no more problems with it. yeah I know I could also delete them … but I was afraid are important files
the files in each /root on each hard drive.
dhrhyje.bat -this one was he pain in the nek
in the end I just hope I give a useful contribution to Avast/Avast-users after all this years of fighting together the “Dark Side”
Not a software is perfect and if one loses one virus, the other will lose another :
Can you send the files for analysis?
Can you send the samples to virus@avast.com ?
You can zip and password the files… Inform a link to this thread and the password used.
You can send the files to Chest and, from there, resend to Alwil for analysis.
You can send it from Chest also.
Add the file to the User Files (File > Add) section of the Chest.
Right click it and send it to Alwil for analysis (email to Alwil Software).
It will be uploaded (not actually emailed) to avast when the next avast auto (or manual) update is done.
Yes, you can try send the files without archiving them.
But, seems you’ll have access denied as the same as when you try before.
Maybe copy the files to your desktop (Linux) and send them from there.