Dial up

downloaded the latest avast 4 home use and it keeps knocking off the dial up setting ive tried all of the things in the forum and the faqs help I have Win Me AMD 700 512 memory no error messages just wont dial up

Is it internet explorer that won’t dialup? Mine did that, I set dialup settings in IE to “dial whenever a network connection is not present”, then restarted IE, it connected fine. Then set back to “always dial my default connection”. This appeared to reset the connection, maybe it was corrupted. I tried everything else in faqs and other internet forums to no avail, but this worked for me.

Mine happend a while after avast was installed… So it was probably just IE goin funny for some reason, been ok since.

Could you be more specific?
Do you mean that with avast installed you cannot even dial?
Are your connection settings ok?

Strange, because avast! does not interfere with it…

Thanks Steve that worked!

Now its doing it again >:(

  1. Right-Click the ‘a’ blue icon in the system tray.
  2. Run avast! antivirus.
  3. Right-Click the skin and choose Settings.
  4. Go to Update (Advanced) tab.
  5. Select the way you connect the Internet (dial up or DSL).
  6. Go to your browser and configure ‘Never dial a conection’ or ‘Use the default connection’ or anything you want.
  7. Boot.

Must work :wink:

madmax4444, When I did it I changed the IE dialup settings with IE closed (right click on IE icon to get to the properties that way):

. set to "dial whenever a network…etc

Then start IE, allow it to actually dialup, then disconnect and close IE. Then change the dialup settings through properties again:

. make sure a default connection is set to your prefered dialup with “Set default” button and set back to "always dial my default…

Restart IE and it should be fixed. Sounds weird, but this seems to re-intialise the default connection when it may be corrupted/lost in the registry (or wherever its stored).

Yes that way seams to work thanks Steve!

This didn’t work for me

see http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=5942.15

Why does it work for some and not others as I have seen in the forum postings that this trick didn’t work for some
In my case i uninstalled Network and dialup adapters
and Avast.

Are there any common threads
For insance type of operating system
Dsl connection type

Opening a two and a half year old topic for a version of avast also just as old is unlikely to be of use.

You would have been better continuing the topic you link to as it brings it to the top of the chronological list order (bumping it up), which would bring it more attention. Not to mention all the information remains in that topic and people don’t have to reffere to the other topic for information.

:slight_smile: Hi :

 I use DialUp and found WHICH of the 3 Settings to be used should be determined by talking to
 the Tech Support of your ISP . When I added their "Accelerator", I had to change to one of the
"other" Settings in that "List of 3" .