Dialup disconnects

While I am downloading email, my dialup is disconnected in mid-stream. My provider thinks it is my antivirus program which is AVAST Home. Any suggestions or recommendations? Thanks

avast does not have any dialer not antidialer.
I use it in a dialup and, of course, it’s not avast fault that the line is droped.
I’m a little bit surprised that your provider tried to show you that… ::slight_smile:

If you want a connection keep-alive, I think there is some suggestions in ‘Links’ on my signature :wink:

This could be due to large files being downloaded and the connection is timing out, change the Time out settings for your email accounts.

Taking a guess as you don’t give us an email program - For Outlook Express - Tools > Accounts > select account and click Properties > Advanced and change the timeout setting, see image.

I’m not surprised that you ISP is passing the buck.