If your on Dialup, perhaps you should try using anything else for your antivirus needs.
I’ve carefully gone through Avast’s settings, and still Avast HOGS the net.
Unlike hi speed users, All DUN users know about the connection bottleneck.
As soon as you connect EVERYTHING on your PC thinks it has the right to be on the net 1st.
So I used Comodo Firewall to block everything except Avast.
I dial up, and nothing happens.
Once I start any web browser (FireFox, Chrome, Opera, or ie) then everything tries to jump out onto the net.
So I started Firefox and then promptly closed it.
It comes as no surprise to me, that the Firewall only showed Avast is still on the net, and downloading something…
After 10 minutes avast was still downloading something and it had about 5.6MB of it.
I know that usually whatever the mystery avast download is, it often gets dropped after 15MB = 40 minutes or so.
I’ve seen it go as high as 31MB then get dropped, and a few minutes later Avast would retry…
This occurs on Avast 7.x Free on Win7 Home and WinXP Pro.
And it still happens even with the following DUN friendly settings in Avast…
Top right side of avast UI under Settings:
Engine and Virus Definitions = Manual Update
Program = Manual Update
Update Parameter = I only connect to the internet using a dial up modem
Auto-update every: = 240000 minutes
Cloud Services:
Reputation Services = disabled
Streaming Updates = disabled
Security Reports = disabled
Silent/Gaming Mode:
Silent/Gaming Mode = disabled
(Not connected with any Avast! account.)
Report program status to the avast! account = disabled
Update frequency: = 600000 minutes
participate in the avast! community = disabled
Show avast! recommendation features = disabled
Show social networking features = disabled
Enable displaying the alerts = disabled
Left side of avast UI under Additional Protection → Browser Protection
Click Settings Button → WebRep = disabled
Click Settings Button → SiteCorrect = disabled
Current Solution:
So instead of having a useless Dialup connection and waiting for Avast to fail after 20 to 50 minutes.
I connect to the net, start web browser, see the rush to the net (via Comodo icon on Win7) and unplug the DUN USB modem.
I soon get a Redial message box and I reconnect the USB modem, wait 2 seconds then click redial.
The web browser didn’t get to see the home page and (under firefox) I get a Try again button that I now click and can surf the net without being hassled while connected.
Solution #2:
Using Comodo Firewall, I put any Avast IP address ranges I could find out about (WhoIs) into Comodo’s Blocked Zones list.
As expected there was a short 2 minute or less rush to the net, mostly Adobe Flash (I don’t use Adobe PDF Reader).
After that, Comodo showed no heavy traffic, just the occasional port 53 DNS query, and any other traffic was expected and reasonably light.
The only problem with Solution #2 is that Avast is totally blocked from the net, and to update I had to click through Comodo to delete those zones, then after updating I have to retype those addresses into comodo’s blocked zones again…
Also I should point out that on Dialup Avast update usually fails, often at 30MB = 45 minutes, and I often must try again and again and again.
(NO it’s not the DUN connection, because even Microsoft Windows updates will download unattended overnight with no problems, so it is an Avast client or server setting.)
Anyways, this half dozen retries or more for DUN users likely weighs noticeably on Avast’s update servers bandwidth.
I suggest avast programmers make this mystery download a bit more transparent.
Even Microsoft Windows behaves itself for DUN users, and we’re talking eye-spy Microsoft here!!!
I would Highly recommend avast builds a download manager similar to what’s already built in web-browsers like Firefox
When your servers drop the connection the DL manager can start downloading again from where it left off after a few minutes, or even a few days later.
Otherwise, it just (currently) retries the entire DL, and avast does pay for it server-side in bandwidth traffic and connections $$$.
None of what I wrote here is new, all this has been written by others whom often have less skill or knowledge and posted on other (non-avast) forums through out the net.
Because I’ve been asked by two other people over the past month about what to use, I thought it should be written down for other potential DUN users.
PS. Don’t be a troll and tell me to update to ADSL/Cable/FiberOptics/MicrowaveTransmitter/StarTrek-Communicator/etc.,
Well, unless you have money to burn and your offering to pay the installation…
PSS. Hopefully, this post is made sticky, or avast programmers smarten the Heck Up. Regardless I probably won’t bother revisiting this post.