I decided to uninstall Avast Pro from this computer and uninstalled Avast free from my wife’s computer. Then installed Pro on her computer and free on mine.
Earlier I had uninstalled chrome.
When i reinstalled chrome on the comp with Avast Pro, ( No Warning ) with Hardened Mode, Set to moderate.
But when i reinstalled chrome on the comp with Avast Free, Chrome was stopped from installing by (Hardened Mode) set to moderate.
Found this strange, why block on the free version, but allow chrome to install on the Avast Pro version without any warnigs.
I would have have thought if there is a problem with Chrome, it should have appeared on both computers. Having Pro or free version of avast, should make no difference.
It is hard to say exactly why, slightly different settings or something in the function set of avast Pro.
Did both have the same Hardened Mode setting ‘Moderate’ was the file launched from exactly the same path and were the Operating Systems the same ?
It looks like the path in the hardened mode notice window could be because it is in a temporary location, running executables from a temp location seems to carry some weighting for hardened mode to kick in.
I would suggest that you change the hardened mode to Aggressive, strange as it may seem this has less impact than moderate.
Yep had Hardened mode set to Moderate in both, same path and operating systems (Vista Basic)
Have now changed to Aggressive in Hardened Mode.
Before I changed setting i had downloaded Adobe Flash Player uninstaller and got warnings this time on both computers.
Change to Aggressive setting no warnings.
Note: with Hardened Mode in Aggressive setting, it checks the file against the avast cloud (Moderate doesn’t), many times it is going to find common file usage in that database (not just file name but stronger validation, MD5/SHA-1 checksums, etc.).