I am still getting notification of a virus when I do a through scan…same one as usual:
c:\documents and settings\no name\local settings\temp/trz195.temp file
Access is denied if I try to repair so I move it to the chest.
On a boot scan, it says no viruses.
If you remember, I have done the clean up on my computer…i.e., empty IE cache, even disk check, and defrag.
Also, the virus tool does not detect it.
Could this be a false alarm??
Second, after the through scan, it lists 374 lines/files that cound not be scanned…is this usual?
When I update, I am told it is already up to date…or do I need to go home site and do anything there to make sure that I am updated?
I installed the Zone free personal firewall with default setting. I did the LeakTest from Steve Gibson’s site and all passed except the ping test and it recommended a seperate firewall because WinXP firewall is not set up to block (?) pings.
See? I have been doing a bit of reading! a tiny bit, but I understand a bit more than before ;D
So, I’ll wait for your suggestions about this CTX thing :-\
I just checked my log viewer and it has 3 entries in the warning log…2 about the virus and one that has ASWSIMPLE program run information: CaswSi
am I to be :o or
Hi cojo Many of my files are encrypted for extra protection and avast will not scan them. Those files may be encrypted so I dont think this is unusual. Have you tried looking for this temp file manually and deleting it? If that does not work boot into safe mode and try to delete it. If you think it is a false alarm try sending it to avast for analysis
yes, I have tried locating it, but it doesn’t want to come out of hiding ;D…I can’t even find out anything about this virus!
and I did try in safe mode–following the directions on the WinXP solution page and still no success…that is why I was thinking it may be a false alert :-\
Is Windows Explorer configured to show hidden and system files? If not, perhaps this is why you can’t locate the file. To check the setting, open a Windows Explorer and click the folder icon with a red checkmark on the toolbar (or click Folder Options … from the Tools Menu). Examine the Advanced Settings list on the View tab; look for Hidden files and folders and select Show hidden files and folders if necessary. You won’t find the file once it’s been moved to the Virus Chest, so perform a thorough scan and select Continue when notified about the virus then search for the file.