Difficulty with download and unable to add devices

This is 2 complaints: The first one I resolved myself but am reporting it FWIW…

  1. I tried several times to download the free version of Avast Anti-virus, but the Cnet site just sat there. I finally installed the previous version rather than the one being proffered and it downloaded. On installation it auto updated to the current version.
  2. I have a copy of Avast Anti-virus on a desktop PC. It is registered and my account shows it as one device, but when I downloaded and installed another version to my laptop, I can not find a link to add another device to my account when registering that copy.

Question: I want to also install a copy to my wife’s PC. Does this require a separate account for each device I install Avast to? If so, what is the purpose of a device list on the account page?

  1. http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe
  2. Nope.

“Nope” doesn’t help. How do I add another device to my account?

On the second system go to my devices and sign in with your e-mail and password
This will add the second computer

I’ll try again, but I already attempted this.

You are signing in to the devices page on your wife’s computer ?

I figured out the problem… I use a different email account on my laptop than on my desktop, so Avast sees my registration as two separate accounts. I guess I will have 3 separate accounts once I set up my wife’s PC. Too bad Avast does not allow me to manage my email accounts … when I attempt to add another email account, it responds with an error message that that account is already in use. Guess they will have to remain separate for those of us that use separate email accounts on separate PCs.