Digital Sender, Virtual SMTP Server and Connection Timeout

I have an HP Digital Sender that scans documents as a PDF attachment to an outgoing email message. I used IIS to set up my computer as a virtual SMTP server. I have a 64 bit machine running WinXP Pro 64 bit and avast! 4.6 for 64bit. For some reason I am now getting a connection timeout pop up for a program called inetinfo.exe:address of my third party mail hosting service’s mail server:25. The email messages from the digital sender are not getting through. When I turn off the avast! protection, the email eventually shows up in my inbox from the digital sender along with another email message from myself (as postmaster) telling me that my message from my digital sender to myself has been delayed.

Does anyone know how to properly setup avast! 4.6 for 64 bit to permit the email messages from the digital sender to get through? Is the problem with my settings in IIS virtual SMTP server?


I assume that the file/email being sent is quite large?
It takes time to scan outbound email and to the email program/server there is no activity so it shows the timeout warning.

Is it an avast! Timeout window or another one that is displayed, a screenshot would be helpfull ?

Are you able to extend the timeout delay in your email program to cater for large email being scanned ?

avast Timeout:

Been out of town. Thanks for your reply. avast! tech support helped me with timeout issue. I disabled it and now I don’t get that message. However, digital sender is still not working. Messages are not getting through avast! It is as if it is blocking messages from the virtual SMTP server. avast! tech support said the timeout resolution would also fix this problem. It has not so far and I am at a loss. I don’t know if diabling script blocking, etc., is the fix and there is no easy way I know of to test disabling each and every feature of avast! 4.6.