Digital signature whitelisting

We’re experiencing an issue while installing our desktop apps. Avast starts scanning the file and then a “ShellExecuteEx failed; code 299.” appears. The error disappears automatically and Avast starts scanning the file again, this happens 3 times before the installation of our software continues.

We recently had to renew our code signing certificate and since we used it, we’ve been experiencing this issue.

I’ve seen on the “Avast Threat Lab - File whitelisting” ( page that a software vendor can submit their digital signatures for white listing but I couldn’t find any place to submit digital signatures, only single installers. We’ve got hundreds of installers using the same signature so it would make more sense to get our signature white listed.

Here’s a virus analysis of our app:

One of our software applications can be downloaded from:

Please whitelist our digital signature.


just submit the signed file like the article says.


Hi Milos,

Thanks for your response. I’ve already done that but I have no indication what the status of my request is. Also, would this actually whitelist our digital signature in general or only the particular file?

We build custom installers per client and can’t wait for every installer to be whitelisted before we release them.


I am working a similar scenario and was curious as to whether the digital signature is whitelisted in this case, or if it is specific to the EXE file. (and of course whether the submittal in this case was ultimately successful for you! :slight_smile:

Thank you,
