Direct download of latest avast! free a/v?

Is there a mechanism (i.e. URL) for doing a direct download if the latest free a/v? The download from is just a 5MB downloader. Alas, as I only have dial-up at home (stop laughing!), I can’t really use the downloader to to the upgrade (I can’t wait 12 hours or whatever to get pulled down (the previous version that I downloaded was 143MB). I have access to high-speed at a friend’s house but that won’t do me much good if I can’t download the whole thing in one “blob”. [The other reason for wanting to download a single file installer is so that I can also upgrade my laptop by just copying the single fine rather than having to re-download the same 140-or-so MB of data?


Download the correct version of Avast
Avast Free
Avast Pro
Avast Internet Security
Avast Premier

Wonderful!! Excellent fast (whole thing was posted only 59 SECONDS after my question!) complete response! Thanks hugely, essexboy.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: