Disable avast email scanning with breaking email sending

I would like to disable avast email scanning because I already have a mail scanner. but whenever I uninstall or disable email scanning. it breaks my email, my only option for it to work is enable mail scanning.
I have reported this since v5.1 and was told that this will be resolve in future version. version 6 is no different, it still has the same problem.

What does “break email” mean? Post the exact error you get in your email client. Also, screenshots of your email client settings and mail shield - advanced settings - SSL accounts required. Also not really sure what exactly you mean by “I already have a mail scanner” - hopefully you don’t have two AVs installed on the same computer. ???

the link contains a video, it should be much more clear than a picture.
not 2 AV, one is a email AV which I prefer to use than avast. also that one is integrated already with email program

break means, for some reason it blocks connection. this is not really an issue about SSL. well maybe it is but point is, I just want to disabled email scanning but doing so for some reason blocks connections.


I´m sorry but the video resolution is so horrible that I just see a bunch of blurry pixels. >:(

I would think that once you uninstall avast email scanning you will have to go into your email client server setting’s and turn its security back on as you would have disabled the incoming and outgoing starttls and ssltls security for avast to handle the scanning.

well one of my issue is if I uninstall avast (which I did already), connection will be refused. and since there will be no way for me to “enable” it anymore. so I installed avast again and enabled email scanning, lo and behold email sending works again

but the thing is, I have 2 email AV working at the same time, since the other is already integrated with the email program.

by the way, to test connection I’m using telnet accessing port 25, so this should not be an SSL issue.

for some reason if avast email is disabled, its like the connection is going somewhere else other than the target server. which should not be the case.

sorry for the video resolution
better quality version video

hope you guys could help me out, my last option would be a full reformat and use other av (which I don’t prefer)

Thanks for the wonderful HD video, however it shows absolutely nothing about your email client settings and nothing about mail shield settings either. Please, post the info I have requested earlier.

attach is the screen cap of settings

the thing is, it is not about my email servers settings, it is not even connecting in the first place. it is as if Avast is a firewall and blocks the connection. also note that I’m just sending plain text smtp emails, no encryption (even the password is plain text)

email client–>server

avast turn on
email client-> avast → server

avast turn off
email → avast (disabled/disregard connection–> timed out


  1. everything is OK ang working when Avast Email Scanner is “On”
  2. if avast email scanning is “off”, connection to may email server fails.
  3. from avast email scanning “on” or “off”, no configuration changes are made (see video)

my question is, how do avast intercept email connection and reroute connection?

Uh, so… you email “client” is AltN MDeamon mailserver? :o Well, let me start with this - the version of avast! you are using is not intended to be run on (mail)servers.

Other than that - go to Settings - Troubleshooting - Redirect settings and remove all ports in the Mail section there. Preferably you should uninstall mailshield altogether. Then again, using avast! free in this way on servers is not suitable and also in breach of the license.

well if avast didn’t block the smtp port then I would have removed it earlier.
I did mention it before, I did tried removing it but removing will cause smtp to fail.

is there a tool that could completely remove avast, including all changes and redirection made?

the tip you gave, did not work either.

I guess a full reformat is in order ;D


thanks dude, will try the tool