Is there any option available to disable the power on/off menu when an android phone is locked down by Avast Anti-Theft? Otherwise a thief could shut down the phone or put it on flight mode preventing it to send its location to me.
Is there any option available to disable the power on/off menu when an android phone is locked down by Avast Anti-Theft? Otherwise a thief could shut down the phone or put it on flight mode preventing it to send its location to me.
No. and it doesn’t make any sense at all if there was.
A thief can also shut down the phone by simply removing the battery.
Thanks for your reply. I am using a HTC One M8. On this device the battery is not accessible without the proper tools and knowledge as well as undoing the device’s warranty.
So an option like I mentioned actually would be useful since it will buy my phone time to be tracked as long as possible.
I am sorry to hear this option is not available. Maybe it could be included in future updates.
My thanks!
I whonder if you forgot that you cant remove batteries on many devices these days
Keep dreaming, it can be removed from any device.
No, it can not be done by software builded outside the vendors (f.e. how will reach the bootloader or recovery state if SW will deny to use power on button?).