Disable Shortcuts

You’re also not up to date. :slight_smile:


May 3, 2019 ASB got another shortcut: See attached below.

New one is Overstock, old are Amazon, and Booking.com. So, instead of two, we now have three, and I suppose, over time, they will continue to multiply. :stuck_out_tongue:

:o :frowning:

Hover your mouse over the shortcut and click on the X to close it.
I closed Overstock that way the first day it came out and haven’t seen it since.

Lucky you!!!

I assume you don’t clear your ASB of webdata after every session, as I do, using ASB Privacy Cleaner?

As said (Reply #7), it doesn’t work for me either - no matter if I clean data or not.

I don’t clear the web data after every session. I highly doubt that closing the shortcuts only working for me.

Hi Bob, no idea, but it doesn’t work here. Cheers

Fixed for me in V74, thanks to the devs…!! :slight_smile:

Sorry to report, but shortcut issue is still live for me.

ASB version 74.0 seems to have introduced a new setting – dark themed windows – with no way to revert to white or light theme windows?

I told you not to break the lightbulbs. :slight_smile:

It’s avast that broke the lightbulbs, not I. Just reporting the facts.

Interesting, no dark theme here.

After Bob posted, aha! it’s the Windows light/dark theme that ASB is using. So I changed from Windows dark theme to light and bingo! Light colored window desktop for ASB.

Which is why there are no settings for light/dark theme for ASB, you’ve to change Windows’ settings now. It was Windows dark themed before, and that did not affect ASB 73.0 but ASB 74.0 decided to change to dark using my current Windows theme colors.

(It would be great if a changelog could be posted at every ASB upgrade…security improvements included.)


But would be even better if it updated automatically and then showed a “whats new this version” screen.