Disable the quick scanner results screen?

Having searched the forums to no avail, I would like to ask if there is a way to disable the results screen for the quick scanner?

I am using internet download manager (IDM) and have pointed this application to ashquick.exe to scan files as they are downloaded. This results in the quick scanner window flickering up every time a file is downloaded and this can be quite disruptive.


IDM version 5.17
Avast Home Edition version 4.8

They (the results) are disabled by default so it looks like you have been tweaking ???

You are saying ‘results’ in the topic title but then mentions something else in the post, can you clarify exactly what it is that you are trying to achieve.

Thanks for the quick reply,

Nope, no tweeking here. It might be called the dialog box then? The progress bar?

Anyway, it says: avast! Quick Scanner in the window header (blue bar the top of the window). Then it gives info on: Number of tested files, Scan progress and tells you the file it is testing. This is a necessary function if you want to right click and scan a file, but its not so good if you are scanning many files in sucession with a download manager. This is a problem because besides being generally anoying, it takes focus away from the window you are working on.

I’m guessing there is a switch or a functionality that I could “tweek” that will allow me to set the quick scan to automatically scan a file downloaded using a manager without this dialogue, no?

The initial screen (splash and progress, image1) effectively lets you know it is scanning, the only tweak is to ‘show the results’ of the scan. So when you mentioned quick scanner ‘results’ that is why I made the tweak assumption.

This is where that tweak is, but that won’t get rid of the splash screen - Program Settings, Common, Show Explorer Extension Results, image2.

This shouldn’t be there very long, depends I guess on how big the downloaded files.

No, the progress splash is never on very long. But the time it takes to scan is not my problem. I’ll try to explain by example…

Imagine if I’m downloading 100 small (aprox. 2MB) document files from a server at work at different locations. I will use a download manager to get these for me instead of right clicking save as on each individual file. I want to routinely check these for viruses as they download because my work network is infested with them (IT students seem to love putting viruses on university networks - you’ll probably be more than aware of this). I use IDM for my download manager, because it is easy to use and has a great set of functions. One of these functions recruits the AVAST virus quick scaner to scan each downloaded file.

This is a problem though because, for my 100 files I will see 100 progress splashes, that show for 1 second each. Also, my downloading files are small and take 30s to complete. So I get a 1 second results flash every 30 seconds for a total of 50 minutes. Each of these flashes takes the focus away fom the document I am at that time editing.

So, is there a way to disable the results splash and have the scan complete without a GUI output? I only need to be made aware in the event that I downloaded a virus.

By the way, other that that AVAST totaly rocks, and I am 100% apreciative.

As far as I’m aware there is nothing to disable the splash and progress screen only the output of results (disabled by default) and if you have a virus found all hell breaks loose so you would know.

All I can suggest is that you have a specific download folder and after the download session you scan that using the right click context menu (it is the same ashQuick.exe that does this). You could remove the scan location from the download manager, but you would need to remember to scan the folder when complete.

Yes, I thought about that but I am a bit forgetfull. Thanks for the help though. Maybe this would be a nice feature for the next version :slight_smile:

If it isn’t already earmarked for the next version 5.0 then I doubt that it would be included as they already have a pre-alpha (technology preview) version of it at the moment, so I think all work would be on the existing planned functionality.