Disable: There are too many recipients of message

Is there a way to disbable (or at least set the number of recipients) the alert:
There are too many recipients of message

I have several relatively large distribution lists and I know what I am sending and how many people I am sending it to. I do not want this alert.

Which mail client are you using to send the mail (it matters as to which provider to direct you to)?

Microsoft Outlook 2003

Ok … first the small print. I am an avast user just like you and I have not tested the following but … as a very supercilious but wise older lady told me many years ago (with a more in sorrow than in anger tone) …

Alan … it usually works for those who read the instructions.

So, I am reading the instructions and I must also assume that you are following the recommendation of the avast team to use the Outlook/Echange provider for Outlook which, for Outlook users, is far superior to the Internet Mail provider.

In the Outlook/Exchange provider:

Customize > (Use the arrow pointers to get to) “Heuristics” tab > Move the Sensitivity pointer to “Custom” level > Use the arrow pointer again if necessary to) “Heuristics - Advanced” tab > Change the “Total count” box to a number greater than the total number of your addressees > “OK”

I hope that helps - please let us know.


Found it. Thanks.