I am a new user of avast! home. I am using Outlook as a POP client. Is there a way to disable the pop up warning when a virus is found via e-mail and just have it deleted automatically? I thought I found the setting in the Outlook/Exchange resident settings under inbound mail. I have it set to discard unconditionally, but that did not seem to do the trick. Its a little annoying that 2 clicks are required for every virus found,.
in the Email/Outlook-provider settings you can choose “Silent Mode” and set it to MOVE found viruses automatically to the chest.
Then you shouldn’t see the popups for the mail-viruses anymore.
You’d better check/clean the viruses from the chest then once in a while…
auto-Deletion is imho not possible in Home Edition
you might want to read the avast docu/help and/or the FAQ’s on avast homepage or here in the OffTopic-forum
Unless I am missing something obvious (entirely possible), there doesn’t seem to be the Silent Mode (or move) option in Outlook provider settings. The Silent option is available in Standard Shield settiings but it doesn’t seem to have an effect on Outlook scanning. I will try to check the other sources you suggest.