hi, i disabled avast as i needed to run a combo scan then when i rebooted the “a” in the tray was not present. couldn’t figure how to turn back on so i am just running a scan now. after the scan is done will it put itself always on and show the a again? how do i make it come on automatically when pc starts? thanx
How did you disable avast ?
What combo scan was this ?
Did it remove ashDisp.exe, the avast icon ?
Try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.
i am working with spykiller due to stubborn spyware and they had me download combofix but to use the scan i had to disable avast always on so i got the avast box to open with the five choices and picked i believe #4 where it gave me the opportunity to disable it. i did my comofix scan and went to “able” it but i can’t find the opportunity anywhere. i did the repair u said to. it picked up a couple “things” and said was complete. i don’t know if it did anything with the .dishexe u mentioned. i am going to reboot and see what happens thank-you
David, all is well with my spinning “a” in the tray. your advice did the trick!! thank-you so much and i apoligize for my mistake of double posts. i have been in a panic for 3 days now and should have probably read the forum rules or info. i have never “posted” before and didn’t know about the bump up. thanks again,leslie
So which option did you choose, see image1 ?
This Stop on-access protection in the image should be enabled when you reboot and the icon appear.
Have you rebooted since disabling avast and doing the combofix scan ?
What avast processes are running in Task Manager, they begin with ash or asw, see image2 ?
OK since you post and mine crossed paths, you can ignore the first two questions, however checking that all avast elements are running is advised, so please answer the last question.
Welcome to the forums.
Combofix dos seem to have the habit of removing ash.disp. Any one seem to know why?
I think it must get too aggressive with startup entries.
On the other hand I don’t know if it reports the entry and the user doesn’t know or recognise what it is and opts to remove it.
No, CF justs removes it. There is no user interaction with that tool. It’s done that for quite ome time now.
I think it was on the G2G forum, I was reading a thread where avast’s self defence had to be disabled to get CF to run. I thought maybe ALWIL had included ashdisp in the protected list. I see that is not the case. Unless of course the self defence was turned of in this case.
ok, just hanging by a thread, where do i find the task manager in winxp please. u guys are great
Right click on task bar & select “Task Manager”.
david R, my task manager shows ashdisp.exe.ashmaisv.exe,ashserv.exe,aswupdsv.exe
Just one missing then, ashWebSv.exe the Web Shield.
Is the web Shield enabled, see image ?
Left click the avast icon, from the pop-up if you see a Details… >> button click that and select the Web Shield, you should then see what is in the image.
it says the provider is currently running - sensativity is set at high. is this the way it should be? maybe i just missed it in the task manager. thanx
Default sensitivity is Normal, though I have mine set to High.
What I can’t understand is if it is running why it isn’t shown on task manager ?
When you view the task manager click the Image Name column title and that sorts the list into alphabetic order, which conveniently groups the avast entries together ;D
did it and only have the 4 i mentioned earlier.???
Most certainly weird, I can’t see how it is running but not listed in the Task Manager, I don’t have any suggestions for that other than more questions.#
Is the web shield actually scanning anything, check the Last scanned: and Scanned total: fields in the web shield view (image I posted) these fields should constantly be changing ?
Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
What browser and firewall are you using ?
when i left click on a it gives me the access scanner now (it is running and counting) i can’t find the box with the web shield you showed me in above msg???
i guess i was looking at res shield?? don’t know how oh yes i do i’m a blonde. sorry. somehow the web shield was off noe i have 6 things in task mgr adding ashsimple,ashweb, sorry 4 the confusion but i am greatful u stuck with me as i probably would have been in trouble. thank-you so much
i think i’m set now let me get this straight…all i have to do is update the program and the iavs about 1 a week?