I’m using Avast Home Edition (version 4.1.418) and I like the On-Access Scanners but sometimes the Scanner Messages get in the way of viewing other pertinent info. since the window is always on top. Is there a way to turn off the On-Access Scanner Messages without turning off On-Access Scanning?
I’ve looked in the programs help file, the on-line FAQ’s and in the forum - hopefully I haven’t overlooked it somewhere…
Sure - just go to the resident protection control window (leftclick on the blue tray icon), click “Details” (if not already), doubleclick the provider you want to change (Standard Shield?), switch to the “Advanced” page and uncheck the option “Show detailed info on performed action”.
Thanx for the quick response and sorry for the lame question! ???
I guess I did overlook it in the help file, I didn’t interpret the explanation for “Show detailed info on performed action” as being the ‘On-Access Scanner Message’.
I’ve had several Virus scanner programs in the past and this is my very favorite! 8)