disabling outlook alert window?

Is there any way to disable the window that pops up when a virus is found by the outlook provider?

I’d like my mail collection to continue without requiring manual intervention.

I’m using the Home version of Avast. I’ve set ‘silent mode’ on the heuristics page.

Does the Internet Mail scanner work more silently?
Do I need to switch to the pro version?

Silent mode in the heuristics mode gives three options in the Internet mail provider (as I believe does the outlook/exchange provider).

However, if you are using Outlook and not OE then the outlook/exchange provider is what you should use (otherwise you are using the wrong provider and may be why the silent mode doesn’t appear to be silent or there are no options set).

The Internet Mail provider is for non outlook/exchange email programs, so it’s of no use to you unless you are using OE or another non Outlook program.

What mail program are you using, I assume it’s not OE?

I’m not sure of the exact options available in silent mode in the outlook provider (I had thought they would be the same)

HTH David

You can only send the file to Chest automatically (Silente Mode > No as general answer)
Yes, Pro version is fully configurable with command you can make a sequence of actions to be taken: repair move to Chest delete…

I’m using the avast outlook/exchange provider to filter mail i’m collecting in outlook 2003 from POP3 and IMAP mailboxes.

‘Silent Mode’ is checked, and my choices are ‘let it be delivered,’ ‘deny access,’ or ‘mark it in subject field.’

Use ‘No’ as the default answer.
You can only send messages to Chest.
Other automatic actions are only available in Pro version.

I think these are ‘Heuristic’ options and not ‘automatic actions when a virus is found’.