Okay here’s the deal:
Since I switched to avast!, I have some really mean ping problems and also disconnects in Warcraft 3. It’s got nothing to do with my Internet as far as I can tell, because I’m often in a Skype conference while playing and the conference just keeps running on normally while I first start to lag a little bit and get increased delay, and all of a sudden I just disconnect from the Battle.net. This also happens when I’m just in a chat channel when there’s no big package exchange or anything.
The following ports should be open @wc3 to prevent lag/delay problems and to be able to host a game: TCP 6112 - 6116.
They’re all open ever since and I never ever had any problems with sudden delay increase or disconnects up til the day I installed avast … :C
Any ideas?
heres my specs:
Core 2 Duo E8200
NVidia GeF8800 GTS 512
4GB Ram
Windows Vista Home Premium 32Bit
Despite the avast update a couple of days ago (latest now 4.8.1296), this is I fear nothing more than a coincidence as avast only scans specific ports, it isn’t a firewall.
Right Click on Avast Icon and Stop Providers… do you still have the issue?
To Disable Avast :
The option to disable avast! self defense module is available under under → avast! Program settings → Troubleshooting. Right Click Avast Icon - Program Settings - TroubleShooting.
Check Services to be sre they are stopped. Do you still have issue?
If so maybe with Web Shield.
You don’t have to disable the self protection module to disable avast antivirus itself.
Just choose the proper option in the context menu of the ‘a’ blue icon.