I just downloaded the free Home trial version of Avast for my Gateway computer. Running Vista. After the program did its initiall scanning of all my files, it brought me up to the desktop. I can barely see my windows or desktop because they are so dark. I have my brightness turned all the way up and everything still appears very dark. If any body can lend some insight as to what might be wrong, it is much appeciated. It might just be user error but I need to know how to fix it where I can see the screens better. Thank you in advance for any feedback.
avast doesn’t change any screen settings so I doubt avast is involved in this.
Whilst this is clutching at straws as even if true I can’t see how that would have any impact on screen brightness - Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
You could try uninstalling avast and rebooting and see if it makes any difference, I think not though, so I can only assume this is coincidental.
Sounds like backlight on your LCD partialy died on that very moment. If the brightness doesn’t change on system POST screen (the very startup) or in safe-mode, it’s most probably a hardware failure not related to avast! (except for a very bad timing).
Check your power saver plans settings and make sure the screen brightness is set at 100%.
Most laptops have a shortcut key
fn+ one of the f# keys
This turns my lcd backlight on/off
Also, most newer laptops (especially Dell) have an Ambient light sensor that automatically changes brightness levels on the screen when in different light environments.
Again, the fact that you just installed Avast has to be a pure coincidence.