Display Self-Defense warning if its disabled

It would be nice if avast! would be displaying a warning (just like for disabled shields) inside status page when Self-Defense is disabled and offer a “FIX” button for it.
Sometimes users might be fiddling with this setting and forget to enable it back.
These days Self-Defense is a critical part of antivirus and as such it would be a smart thing to notify user about it when Self-Defense is disabled.
Like we say it, better safe than sorry right?

Also it would be nice when the warning status will be displayed 'cause of old VDB.

I’ve been saying this for a while now…(more specifically elsewhere…)

Having opened avast a few times and found that the self defense has been disabled for whatever reason, I would certainly appreciate this.


yeah I think this has been requested in the “other place…” ;D I second that too. That’s very easy to forget and it can take hours/days until you need to reopen the setting section and see that you left the self-protection module de-activated.

Either because you test something or because you troubleshoot. I used to forget to re-enable shields quite often when i was testing with avast! 4.8. But now i see the warning in the tray icon or i simply set shields to be disabled for just 1 hour and then they re-enable themself even if i forget. Self-Defense should have similar options. The warning for it would be a good start.

Absolutely, as mine has been off for a while as I was playing with this problem of the scheduled monthly scan problem at the end of March. I was using the avast.ini to change the scheduling to off 0.

Already voted: Yes for this idea. (Elsewhere. ;))


Happened to me also. A visualisation would be great.

When I disable Self-Defense, a warning pops up and ask me to accept that the self-defense should be turned of

… and you answer yes because you wanted to disable it temporarily and then forget about it altogether. As said, should be reflected in the GUI.

That is just for that very moment. But if you close the interface and look at it later, there is no mention of Self-Defense being disabled anywhere. So you can and you will forget to set it back. Only thing that reflects the status is that checkbox under Troubleshooting section.