Distorted Text on Splash Screen

Hi, love the program but I’ve got a small query - the text on the splash screen is kinda distorted - any idea why?

I’m running 1024*768 and 32 bit on XP Pro. The strange thing is that I’ve got Avast running on another XP Pro machine with the same res and it’s fine.

Obviousley this isn’t a mojor problem - it’s just bugging me! :slight_smile:

For me, the same :frowning:

Any idea on what the difference between those computers (where the display is OK and those where it’s distorted) can be?
Different theme, different font size, different resolution… ?

Igor, I think application splash screens have nothing to do with themes… but I can be wrong. The font size (normal 96ppm and ‘big’ 120ppm) and resolution should not interfere with your splash screen. I mean, why don’t you simple get a higher resolution in your splash screen installed?

The characters are distorced for me…

Well, I didn’t mean that the font size or theme should interfere with the splash screen directly - but may cause the window to be resized, thus resizing the bitmap - which may cause the distortion.
I think the window should not be resized, but…

I’ve tried changing themes, resolutions, colour depths, etc on both machines but I can’t find anything that makes the splash screen any better on mine, or any worse on the other pc. I’ve taken a screenshot of both - it does appear that the image is being stretched for some reason as the green part overlaps the white part at the bottom on mine. You’ll also see straight away that the images are different sizes, although both machines are running at the same res.

I’ve also noticed that the graphic down the side of the on-access scanner is cut-off - I can only see ‘t! 4’.

Like I said before, these aren’t really a problem, it’s just annoying! :slight_smile:

The pic in the previous post is from the ‘good’ pc, this one is from my pc. I’m running an ATI Radeon 7500 and the other is running a nVidia TNT2, although I can’t see why that would make a difference.

This last pic is from the on-access scanner - note the cut off at the bottom.